Monday, February 15, 2010

And That's The Best You Could Muster?

The New York Times recently reported that Universal has named Lucian Grainge as the new CEO of the Universal Music Group.  OK, fine.  Another CEO who is going to re-invent the music business, right?  Wrong.  This guy is on record, in the New York Times quoting "I believe that the CD will out-survive me as a format." What?  Are you going to die TOMORROW?  How can a newly appointed high-level exec (with a wealth of intel) spew unfathomable garbage like this.  CD sales are in the tank (down 12% while digital grows.)  Digital and Mobile is where its at.  For the most part, the CD is ALREADY dead.  Sure, you have your old-schoolers who are just now discovering digital music and Ipods. The future of music is accessibility.  I want it now - on my phone, in my car, in the gym.  Compact Discs just can't compete.  Maybe Mr. Grainge can revive the VHS format as a side project.  Bring back 8 tracks while you are at it.  Good luck Universal, your gonna need it.

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