Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Is a resume still relevant?

I read an interesting post on Seth Godin's blog today about the relevancy of a resume.  He made some exceptional points on how a resume could work to your disadvantage, in some cases.  No one is going to stop using resumes as a career search tool but his perspective is exactly what I have been thinking.  This is 2010, right?  We're smarter now.  We think in different ways than we used to.  How do you position yourself against "x" candidate who has the all the paperwork to show he/she is worthy?  X has not been in the trenches slugging it out, hasn't done that many (if any deals), there has been no trial and error and he certainly doesn't have the initiative to roll up in a prospects office and close the deal "off the cuff". On the other side you have "the veteran" who's so stuck in his ways of 15 years ago and he couldn't tweet his way out of a chat room.  In the age of social media, online tools and video; it seems like you can't afford NOT to utilize all of the resources to market yourself.  It's much more tangible. It's a good thing I came across Seth's post because it is exactly what I have been thinking.  Its the reason my main reason for taking a more aggressive online approach finding a new position.  My experience is very defined, but it easily crosses multiple industries.  Take a look.  Its a good read.

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